
Wellness Habits

  • Sleep early and feel well rested

  • Get to and maintain a healthy body

  • Stop overeating/consuming too much sugar, caffeine, cigarettes or alcohol

  • Get over a stage fright or other phobias

  • Feel energetic / focused / concentrated

Breaking the vicious cycle

Healthy Automatic Habits

We all know the drill: eat healthy, exercise regularly, sleep plenty, rest often. But how many of us actually live by it in our busy everyday lives?

We work too much, sleep and rest too little, consume shitty foods, skip workouts, and find ourselves out of energy, experiencing chronic pains, anxiety attacks, or burnout.

Benefits Of

Wellness Habits Methodology

A hyper-practical approach that combines Bodywork, Meditation, Breathwork, and Concentration-Promoting Techniques.

Combined with Core Energy Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and NLP this methodology gives outstanding results already in the first 3 weeks.

Increased level of Energy, Productivity, and Mental Clarity

More balanced, toned, and healthy-looking body

Emotional management and healthier Communication

Work with me

In-person and Online sessions

Designed to gently introduce healthy daily habits and to help you

  • Tone the body and improve posture

  • Reduce stress and chronic pains

  • Get rid of sugar, caffeine, and nicotine addictions

  • Conquer stage fright and other phobias

  • Increase productivity

  • Improve sleep

  • Enhance emotional management and communication

6 weeks to establish healthier habits


6 x 60 min 1:1 calls (fully customized to your request)


Health Habits Tracker Tool


3 hypnotic meditations to help overcome resistance & re-shape deeply rooted behavioral patterns


3 group Q&A calls (to share additional content, answer questions, and offer a tailored advice to help you make key changes more easily)


All exercises can be easily incorporated into your daily routine and travels


Bonus: Personalised Weekly Schedule done with you to incorporate maximum productivity and maximum restoration into your days.

Energy Exchange €888


I'm Daniel Dindas, your Certified Hypnotherapist, Well-Being Coach, NLP Practitioner, and Yoga Teacher in training.

Over the last years, I’ve completely transformed my mindset and everyday habits by diving into the best practices in cognitive behavioural therapy, positive psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness, yoga, hypnotherapy, NLP, and meditation techniques. All this time I’ve been mastering the art of maintaining a high level of energy and being able to relax my nervous system even in high-stress environments and during rough life events.

Probably the most powerful results have been recovering from a brain tumour, making a complete career shift, and making difficult private choices, whilst staying relaxed, optimistic, and keeping my energy higher than I’ve ever experienced in my life.

Diving into all possible resources I could find and practicing an enormous amount of different approaches, I, partially unconsciously, have created my own methodology that, nearly effortlessly, helped me to introduce healthy habits like regular exercise, consistent sleep, conscious eating, and mindful communication into my life.




Tim-Allan Schäufelin

Team & Leadership Development

I had the chance to be one of the first in person clients of Daniels Hypnosis Sessions and really enjoyed the experience. He took a lot of time to understand my context, asked questions that made me reflect deeply and just then we started the hypnosis.He created a space of deep trust where I could lean into easily and get into our work. It’s worth mentioning that Hypnotherapy is a field I usually felt really hard to let go into, but with Daniel it was very different.

His calming voice and soft guidance helped me to let go and get into a state of trance of which was very deep connecting to subconscious pictures that evoke my curiosity and are still vivid.Daniel is a partner of trust in my ongoing journey and I hope that more people can tap into his presence on their journeys as I truly believe he is exceptionally talented


Jan-Hendrik Werner

Multi-Disciplinary Design Vagabond

I reached out to Daniel during a critical time in my life. I was pretty stuck in life and mainly in my job.Throughout the coaching session we unblocked and identified painpoints. And step by step came to clarity on what's holding me back to become the person I want to be. I can truly say that I wouldn't be at my recent level of happiness and confidence without Daniel.
Thanks again!


Tim Sottek

Brand Manager & People Development

Daniel has a fantastic ability to make you feel comfortable in his sessions while giving you space to address the areas you want to work on in the way you want - opposed to other experiences where it felt more like needing to fit into a „shoebox" approach.

I also witnessed his development over the last year and I am impressed by the level Daniel reached today! If you look for support at your terms and with the flexibility you need, you cannot go wrong with Daniel (actually in any case).


Jannik Benz

Holistic Health Practitioner

I was about to go into self-employment and lost track of what’s important, and what I need to focus on first, as it all seemed overwhelming.

We had a highly intense sessions with Daniel that really helped me to identify and set my priorities for starting my own business.

Looking back, having Daniel by my side was like having my personal sports coach on my sideline during the race.


Laura Lasseur


Ich kam zu Daniel in einer absoluten Krise.

Ich hatte mehrere Themen auf dem Tisch, die mich vollkommen ausgelaugt, zerrissen und auch einfach verletzt haben.

Daniel hat mir so viel Ruhe, Verständnis und Klarheit geschenkt und ohne es vorher zu wissen, war es genau das was ich brauchte.

Was Daniel ausmacht, ist sein absolutes Verständnis ohne zu urteilen, seine Empathie zuzuhören und Muster zu erkennen und sein Wohlwollen, die beste Version deiner Selbst zu erschaffen.


Bettina Szilveszter

People & Culture Passionate / Expert and Fitness Trainer

I reached out to Daniel as I was seeking a relief from somatic symptoms (pain) through working with my mind.

After just one session I felt so much clarity on why the pain was there, and knew exactly what I needed to do to be pain free.

Daniel is extremely authentic and genuine, allows plenty of time and attention to understand your circumstances. At all times I felt safe and deeply cared for.


Melanie Walter


My experience with Daniel was extraordinary and has profoundly changed my life. I initially sought his help for my intense fear of flying, a challenge that made me feel extremely uncomfortable just thinking about visiting an airport. However, from my very first visit with Daniel, I felt a sense of curiosity and a certain tension that gave me hope.

Daniel created an atmosphere of complete well-being and empathetically addressed my fears and concerns. After our first session, I felt so encouraged that I visited an airport directly, and to my great surprise, I no longer felt any fear. This positive change even led me to book a flight immediately.

The journey I embarked on was more than just physical flying; it was a sign of my personal growth and overcoming my deepest fears. I am amazed at how much I have grown through Daniel's session.

Despite initial tension when boarding the plane, I felt confident and secure. I applied the techniques Daniel had shown me, and not only did I experience my first flight without fear, but I even enjoyed it!

I am infinitely grateful to Daniel for his support and the gift of freedom he has given me. He has shown me that I have the power to overcome my fears and see the world from a completely new perspective. I highly recommend his work to anyone who longs for change and personal growth.


Tesnie Owen Hughes

Lecturer & Strategic Consultant

I sought Daniel's guidance primarily due to his spiritual disposition. His innate spirituality, when harmoniously blended with his finely-honed intuition, brings an additional layer of depth that is profoundly beneficial. Finding someone who encapsulates these spiritual and intuitive aspects, all while providing excellent coaching, is truly a rarity - but Daniel does just that.

There's an inherent sense of calm that he embodies. I was comforted by the notion that no matter what I might present to him, he would maintain his serenity, demonstrating readiness to handle any situation with poise. This quality, I believe, is his foremost gift to clients. It fosters an environment where one can openly discuss any matter without hesitation, instilling a sense of tranquility and control, and an understanding that all is possible.

Overall, Daniel is genuinely delightful and incredibly easy to talk to. He is approachable and exudes calmness. Our sessions have been eye-opening, changing my perception of myself and illuminating the positive aspects that were always present, yet somehow obscured. With this newfound self-perception, I feel empowered and convinced that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.


Radiana Miteva

Googler & Happiness Coach

The most calming voice! The coach you didn’t know you need especially in times of stress and unclarity. In just a few short sessions, Daniel helped me clarify my life purpose, gifts and values and gave me an incredible feeling of calmness and peace


Katharina Jung


I chose Daniel because his moving personal story and how he dealt with it deeply inspired me. I had a similar traumatic experience myself and hoped to find a way to cope with my personal situation and gain new strength through his help.

Daniel helped me through his guided meditations and individual coaching sessions to focus my attention inward and identify my needs and issues. In doing so, I was able to expand my awareness and learn to be mindful of myself and my environment.

The result is that Daniel has significantly helped me to manage my situation and open up new perspectives that I had not seen before.

Spending time with Daniel is a true joy. Not only is he extremely competent and experienced, but he also has a great sense of humor and a warm character. It is this unique combination of qualities that makes Daniel an exceptional hypnotherapist and coach.


Tim Smeets

Product Manager

Daniel is an excellent listener and advisor who asks the right questions to help you work out the solution yourself. It's evident that he does his job out of conviction and remains focused during appointments. I definitely recommend him!


Ana Garcia Ovejero

Transformational & Relationship Coach

I reached out to Daniel as I was seeking a relief from somatic symptoms (pain) through working with my mind.

After just one session I felt so much clarity on why the pain was there, and knew exactly what I needed to do to be pain free.

Daniel is extremely authentic and genuine, allows plenty of time and attention to understand your circumstances. At all times I felt safe and deeply cared for.


Esra Akkus

Sales Managerin & Small Business Ownerin

I began my collaboration with Daniel out of sheer curiosity. Right from the start, I had a strong sense of trust in him. Daniel exudes an exceptional balance and composure that has always impressed me. His thoughtful and targeted questions have helped bring clarity to my thinking and dissolve the daily chaos in my head. In our sessions together, I always feel understood. After each encounter with him, I feel lighter, and my thoughts are clearer.

Daniel's coaching has had a significant, positive impact on my mental clarity and personal well-being. It is an enriching experience that I highly recommend.


Jana Dindas

Teacher & Make Up Artist

During my pregnancy, I suffered from extreme nausea and emetophobia (fear of vomiting), which made life very difficult for me. After just two hypnotherapy sessions with Daniel, I experienced an immediate and remarkable improvement. After the first session, I felt significantly better and was even able to visit a farm without feeling nauseous or gagging – an experience that was previously unimaginable for me.

I was amazed at how Daniel helped me overcome my deep-seated fear of vomiting. After the second session, the nausea and gagging completely disappeared. I am incredibly grateful to Daniel for his support. His help allowed me to experience my pregnancy without fear and with full joy.


Jennifi Schäufelin

Graphic Designer & Photographer

I started my coaching with Daniel when I was in the process of setting up my own photography business. I decided to engage in a long-term collaboration with him, and I'm glad I made that decision. His competent and empathetic guidance was invaluable. He asked the right questions at the right times and provided insights that, in retrospect, saved me a great deal of time, annoyance, and frustration. This was because I was able to tackle various challenges directly and effectively with his help. Daniel created a safe space that allowed me to feel that I could discuss anything and be vulnerable. For anyone who is brave enough to confront themselves, I heartily recommend coaching with Daniel.


Alexis Roux

Controlling Manager

In 2022, I was fortunate enough to cross paths with Daniel during my retreat in Ericeira. His skill as a hypnotherapist truly impressed me. His voice served as a potent guide, enabling me to delve deep within myself during our meditation sessions. His influence didn't end there - Daniel emerged as an invaluable mentor as well. His wise interpretations of the images that emerged during our guided meditation were enlightening. Moreover, his thoughtful suggestions provided a roadmap for personal growth. Daniel’s expertise in hypnotherapy and coaching made a significant difference to my journey.


Anne Pfannenmüller

Doctor's Assistant

For a long time, I experienced "binge eating" episodes after every meal. I felt compelled to consume large amounts of sugar following main meals. It was almost an obsession, greatly limiting and burdening me. I was addicted to sugar!

Daniel conducted a two-hour session using hypnosis. It was a super relaxed, professional, and highly competent discussion! During the session, I felt liberated and light. Since then, the compulsion to eat sweets has disappeared. I can now decide when, if, and how much I want to snack.

Daniel has been a great help and has given me back my quality of life. He is a very friendly, understandable, competent, non-judgmental, and patient therapist.


Anna Schmidt

Aspiring Lawyer

I sought Daniel's help for hypno coaching as I was very nervous during exams, which hindered me from fully expressing my learned knowledge. During the session, Daniel took ample time to understand my life circumstances and explore the causes of my exam anxiety.

He approached this with empathy, calmness, and understanding, creating a very comfortable atmosphere.

Through hypno coaching, I regained a positive outlook on my academic goals. Daniel taught me techniques that I could apply in specific exam situations to be more focused and calm. I am extremely grateful for having taken up coaching with Daniel, as it finally enabled me to overcome my exam anxiety.

Additionally, I recently had some exams and experienced how much easier it was for me to remain relaxed, calm, yet strong and focused. This allowed me to more easily recall my learned knowledge, and I was not stressed about the exams from the start.

Thank you, Daniel, for your guidance and support in hypno coaching. I highly recommend Daniel's services to anyone looking to overcome similar challenges.

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